Thursday, December 1, 2011

Exploring the Historic Districts During the Hoidays

This weekend kicks off the Holiday Home Tours season in Jacksonville's historic districts. This Saturday and Sunday will be the 21st Holiday Tour of Homes in San Marco. With up to 9 stops and a luminaria, it is always a lot of fun. If you go on Sunday, I will be at one of the houses on River Road. More information can be found here

The Springfield Christmas Home Tour is the next weekend, December 9th and 10th. On the 10th, there will also be a neighborhood Springfield luminaria. You can find more information here

If you are a runner, a fun 5K is the Holiday Magic and Festival of Lights Run on December 10th. It is an evening run and the route is lit up by luminarias - a different and fun way to do a 5K.

This year marks the 28th anniversary of Riverside Avondale’s beloved Luminaria celebration. The traditional lighting of the lanterns at sundown will occur Sunday, December 18th. The ever-popular Luminaria Bike Ride will leave from City Cycle on Park Street at 6 pm near European Street. More information can be found here

Whatever your fancy, there's lots to do to kick off the holidays

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