Thursday, April 23, 2009

1st Quarter 2009 Springfield

1st Quarter 2008
Unrenovated: 3 Sales (average $30/sq ft)
Renovated: 2 Sales (average $98/sq ft)
New Construction: 2 Sales (average $126/sq ft)
Condo/Loft: 0 Sales
Average Price/Sq Ft: $77/sq ft
Average Days on Market: 166 days (Duval County averaged 109)
Median Sold Price: $210,000 (Duval County averaged $178,000)
Average Sold Price: $191,171 (Duval County averaged $219,000)

1st Quarter 2009
Unrenovated: 5 Sales (average $14/sq ft)
Renovated: 1 Sales ($89/sq ft, short sale)
New Construction: 1 Sales ($144/sq ft)
Condo/Loft: 3 Sales (average $130/sq ft)
Average Price/Sq Ft: $69/sq ft (the increase in unrenovated sales, pushed it down)
Average Days on Market: 126 days (Duval County averaged 113) (again, the increase in unrenovated sales pushed it down)
Median Sold Price: $107,500 (Duval County averaged $156, 300) (again, the increase in unrenovated sales pushed it down)
Average Sold Price: $108,858 (Duval County averaged $187,609)

Overall, Springfield is stabilizing. The number of unrenovated sales has picked up and that is pushing average price down and price/sq ft down. However, the fact that these homes are being picked up is a good sign that investors are out there again - many stayed away and were waiting for signs that the bottom hit. Although average price is down and sales are down, it is not by much. A good sign - new costruction price per square foot increased. This market is stablizing and as buyer traffic increases, so will prices again.

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