Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1st Quarter 2009 San Marco

1st Quarter 2008
Resale Historic: 14 sales (average $177/sq ft)
Non Historic: 7 sales (average $132/sq ft)
Condo/Loft: 2 Sales (average $256/s q ft)
Average Price/Sq Ft: $170/sq ft
Average Days on Market: 172 days (Duval County averaged 109)
Median Sold Price: $285,000 (Duval County averaged $178,000)
Average Sold Price: $335,930 (Duval County averaged $219,000)

1st Quarter 2009
Resale Historic: 10 sales($129/sq ft)
Non Historic: 5 Sales ($141 sq ft)
Condo/Loft: 3 Sales (average $217/sq ft)
Average Price/Sq Ft: $147/sq ft
Average Days on Market: 110 days (Duval County averaged 113)
Median Sold Price: $221,500 (Duval County averaged $156,300)
Average Sold Price: $243,083 (Duval County averaged $187,609)

Of all the Intown Markets, San Marco has weathered the housing market pretty well. Price has, of course gone down, but days on market is faster than the Duval County average this past quarter. This means that the price is at a point where buyers are shopping. I anticipate seeing a levelling of prices in San Marco through 2009 and into 2010.

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