Tuesday, February 3, 2009

5 Seller Myths I Have Lately Encountered

Myth 1: Now is the worst time to sell
This is where understanding your specific micro-market is so important. Even beyond Jacksonville's market - what is happening in your neighborhood? Also, if you’re a homeowner who wants to trade up, the loss you’ll take on your current home will be more than offset by the bargain you’ll get on the next one.

Myth 2: Don't respond to low-ball offers
Understand that buyers today feel obligated to start the converstation this way. It doesn't mean they won't negotiate. If you respond with a reasonable counteroffer, then the buyer will usually come back up to a reasonable dialogue.

Myth 3: There will be a better offer, I will wait.
More often than not, the first offer is the best you will see. Try to come to terms with that buyer.

Myth 4: I will reduce the price later, let's test the market with this higher price.
I see this one all the time. Alot of sellers want to price the home high in the first few weeks to see what happens. But buyers shop by price bracket and if you are priced in the wrong bracket, you will make everyone else's proeprty look like a good deal and everybody else's property will sell instead of yours. Reducing your home in small increments puts you in a position of chasing the market instead of jumping in front and selling for the highest amount in the quickest time period.

Myth 5: I don't need to do anything to sell my house but get it listed with a Realtor.
Oh yes you do. With so many homes on the market for sale, your house needs to present as good an image as possible. Put up the clutter, personal items, and most importantly CLEAN the house. Your house needs to look like a model home to sell for the most amount of money in this market.

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