Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Simple Inexpensive Touches to Make Your Home Stand Out on the Market

If you are trying to sell your home in this market then you know the competition is tough. There are short sales and foreclosures galore - all competing with you for a handful of buyers.

What can you do to stand out? Buyers in this market are looking for the best deal. That means your property really has to look its best to attract buyers who would be willing to pay a little more because they feel like they are really getting a better product.

Here are some inexpensive things you can do to make your property stand out:

1. Lighting. Make sure rooms are well lit. Get higher wattage bulbs if possible. Make sure all the lights work. I can't tell you how many times I walk into a home with a buyer and the lights don't work. Gloomy spaces don't make buyers want to hang around.

2. De-clutter. Get rid othe clutter and personal trinkets. Remember you are trying to sell the house. People need to see the space and feel themselves in that space. If a space has too much stuff in it or has family pictures that make it seem like someone else's space, they can't picture themselves in the home.

3. Freshen up the paint. Neutral, natural tones. This is especially true in kids rooms. Don't show the house with kids colors in the kids rooms. Buyers will not pay top dollar for a house Also, take a look at your trim - does it need touching up too. Also, look at the exterior. Does the siding need freshening up. What about the front door? Does it stand out and look inviting? These are small paint jobs that can make the home present really well.

4. Smells. If you have pets, especially. Invest in some room deodorizers. Bueyrs want to feel like a home is fresh, not stale. Try to air your home out some as we enter spring. Also, if your house is going to be shown that day, try not to cook anything whose smell may linger during the showing.

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