Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Veggie Bin

The Veggie Bin is a GREAT business in Jacksonville's urban core that I thought I would highlight for those who may not be aware of it. The Veggie Bin partners with local farmer's each week to provide its members with farm fresh produce delivered to their door.

This is a great way not only to support a local urban core business, but local farmers too! In addition, The Veggie Bin is partnering with other local Jacksonville businesses to bring other great products to their members, such as local honey, coffee, bread, soap, etc.

Supporting local business is good for Jacksonville's development in so many ways. I will try to highlight more and more of the great local businesses that we have in the urban core.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff right here! Amy is a pleasure to work with and she is doing her best to incorporate many great additions to her line of products. I believe that she will be offering Vegan and Gluten/Casein free, ready to serve, baked goods this new season!
