Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A National Bottom?

US Housing starts rebounded 22% in Feb. Could this be the beginning of the bottom nationally? Many analysts are thinking so, only time will tell. The starts are mostly for multi-family, as the rental market is surging. But building permits also rose and so did single family permits. Locally, we have been seeing a flatlining of price drops, the national number reflecting this is a good indicator that the country may be seeing this bottom.

more articles:
Market Watch


  1. 2011 or 2012 IMO...based on ALL previous bubbles...view the video here...


  2. Your blog is the second that mentions housing rebounds in Florida. Hopefully the "beginning of the bottom" is closer than we think.

  3. housing prices will fall no more than 30% from where they are now. that means if your house is $200k now, you are looking at a bottom of $140k (whereas it probably was about $320k at the height of the boom). plan accordingly. the dumping of trillions of dollars into the money supply and the bad governance of keeping rates so low (to actually PROLONG the crash), is going to make this thing take a while.
